Friday, May 13, 2011

Cut, Copy, Paste & Undo

Microsoft Word 2002 – Edit Menu - Cut, Copy, Paste & Undo

Students will learn to move text within a document. This is not something students will do often; however, it is an important skill to learn. In the advanced lessons, students will use the same keystrokes learned here to highlight, copy and move text from one program to another. 

These commands can be performed by going through the Edit Menu, (Alt, e, c to copy text) however it is easier and more efficient to use the short cut keys. In addition, the cut, copy, and paste commands are accepted in virtually any application within Windows. The undo and redo commands, are not as widely accepted and should be tested before expecting them to work in applications other than MS Word.

·         Ctrl-x will cut highlighted text and place it on the "clipboard"
·         Ctrl-c will copy highlighted text and place it on the "clipboard"
·         Ctrl-v will paste text saved to the clipboard into the document at the cursor location.
·         Ctrl-z will undo the last keystroke
·         Ctrl-y will redo the last undo

Have the student open a document in Microsoft Word 200297. Have the student enter his name on the top line.

Moving Text within a Document Option 1 (Copy)
1.      Move the cursor to the beginning of the document (Ctrl-Home)
2.      Shift-Ctrl-down arrow will highlight the top line of text.
3.      Ctrl-c will copy the highlighted text and place it on the Windows Clipboard. The original text remains on the top line.
4.      Ctrl-End will move the cursor to the end of your document.
5.      Enter key will move the cursor down one line.
6.      Ctrl-v will paste the contents of the clipboard into the document.
7.      Enter will move the cursor down one more line.
8.      Ctrl-v will paste the contents of the clipboard into the document again.

** Note, the contents of the clipboard can be pasted multiple times. Text remains in the clipboard until another cut or copy replaces it, or the computer is turned off.

Moving Text within a Document Option 2 (CUT)
1.      Move the cursor to the beginning of the document (Ctrl-Home)
2.      Shift-Ctrl-down arrow will highlight the top line of text.
3.      Ctrl-x will cut the text and place it on the Windows clipboard. The original text is removed from the top line of the document.
4.      Ctrl-End will move the cursor to the end of your document.
5.      Enter key will move the cursor down one line.
6.      Ctrl-v will paste the contents of the clipboard into the document.
7.      Enter will move the cursor down one more line.
8.      Ctrl-v will paste the contents of the clipboard into the document again.

Undoing and Redoing Keystrokes
1.      Ctrl-z will undo your last paste. Repeat the command to undo successive keystrokes.
2.      Ctrl-y will redo your last undo. Repeat until you return to your original document.

Undoing Erased Text
1.      Ctrl-a will highlight the entire document
2.      Press any letter key: that letter has now replaced all highlighted text.
3.      Ctrl-z will undo the last keystroke and returned you to your highlighted text.

** Note, Often when highlighting text, a student will accidentally press a key and replace the highlighted text (erase the text). Use the undo command (Ctrl-z) to go back and restore the highlighted text.


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