Friday, May 13, 2011

Keyboard Commands for Windows XP Desktop

Keyboard Commands for the Windows XP Desktop

Student will access all major areas of the Windows Desktop.
This lesson shows how to access the Windows Desktop using keyboard commands. Some low vision students may insist on using the mouse, possibly in conjunction with a screen magnification program. While this is acceptable, it is recommended that whenever possible, the student learn and use the keyboard commands. In the long run, it is more efficient to use keyboard commands when accessing Windows, especially if the student is, putting nose prints on the screen trying to find the mouse cursor.

1.      Open the Start Menu – Press the Window-key or Ctrl-Esc (hold Ctrl and press Esc).
2.      Close the Start Menu – Press the Esc key
3.      Explore the Start Menu (using the arrow keys)
a.      Window key opens the Start Menu
b.      Down Arrow to read the “user defined programs” and Window default menu items (Programs, Favorites, Documents, Settings, etc.)
c.      Enter or Right Arrow to open sub menus (sub menus have a right facing triangle)
d.      Left Arrow to close sub menus.
e.      Enter to start a program (i.e. Microsoft Word)
4.      Explore the Start Menu (using the alpha keys)
a.      Window key opens the Start Menu
b.      Pressing the first letter of the menu choice will jump you to that item (i.e. pressing p will jump you to the first menu item starting with the letter p. Pressing the p again will take you to the next menu item beginning with that letter.)
c.      If only one menu item begins with the letter w, pressing that letter after opening the Start Menu will jump to and run the program. 

5.      Explore the Desktop Icons
a.      Window key opens the Start Menu
b.      Esc key closes the Start Menu but keeps the focus on the Start Button.task bar
c.      Press the Tab key until the focus is on one of the desktop icons. A screen reader should say, “Desktop”.
d.      Arrow keys will move through the program icons
a.      Pressing the first letter of the program will jump you to that program (i.e. m for My computer, or i for Internet Explorer)
6.      Explore the Desktop Icons (JAWS)
a.      Windows key-M will minimize all applications and put the focus on the desktop icon.
b.      Press the arrow key to move to the next icon or press the first letter of the program you want (m for My computer).


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