Friday, May 13, 2011

File Menu – Print Dialogue Box

Microsoft Word 200297 – File Menu - Print a File

Students will learn how to print a file. . Introduced in this lesson is how to check or uncheck a check box.

·         Alt-key moves the focus to the menu bar
·         Underlined letter will open the menu option
·         Down arrow will open a Menu or move down the menu
·         Right arrow will move one menu option to the right or open a submenu
·         Tab-key will move the focus to another option in a dialogue box
·         Shift-Tab will move the focus to another option in a dialogue box in reverse order.
·         Space bar will check or uncheck a check box
·         Enter key will begin the selected routine

Have the student start Microsoft Word 200297 and open a previously saved document.
Introduced in this lesson is how to check or uncheck a check box.

Printing a File: Option 1 (Printing from the Print dialogue box)
1.      Alt-key moves the focus to the Menu Bar
2.      f-key opens the File Menu
3.      p-key moves to and opens the Print dialogue box
4.      Enter will send one copy of the active document to the default printer.*

* Note, the focus is on the, Number of copies edit box. You can select multiple copies by typing the desired number into the edit box or using the up arrow to select additional copies. Enter to print the multiple copies of your document.

Printing a File: Option 2 (Exploring the Print dialogue box)
1.      Alt-key moves the focus to the Menu Bar
2.      f-key opens the File Menu
3.      p-key moves to and opens the Print dialogue box
4.      Tab-key moves the focus to the Collate check box., (Thiswhich is checked by default). (Ccollate means to print multiple copies in page order. When the To not collate box is not checked, the documentprinting would be to  prints all copies of page one followed by all copies of page two, etc.)
5.      Press the space bar to uncheck the collate check box
6.      Press the space bar to check the collate check box
7.      Tab through the other options in the Print dialogue box
8.      Stop at Page rRange All, radio button
9.      Select current page by using your down arrow
10. Enter will print the current page only

** Note, radio buttons are usually selected by using the up or down arrow. However, sometimes you will need to use the space bar to select or unselect a radio button just like you would a check box. It simply depends on the application.











Lesson 9: Microsoft Word 2002 - File Menu - New, Close and Exit

Students will learn how to start a new document, close a document and exit Word 97.

·         Alt-key moves the focus to the menu bar
·         Underlined letter will open the menu option
·         Down arrow will open a Menu or move down the menu
·         Right arrow will move one menu option to the right or open a submenu
·         Tab-key will move the focus to another option in a dialogue box
·         Shift-Tab will move the focus to another option in a dialogue box in reverse order.
·         Enter key will begin the selected routine

Have the student start Microsoft Word 2002. The program should start with a “blank sheet of paper” on the screen. Type a few lines into this document.

Starting a New document Option 1 (Two documents)
1.      Alt-key moves the focus to the Menu bar
2.      f-key opens the File Menu
3.      The focus is on the first item which is New…
4.           Enter key starts the New Document dialogue box
5.           Enter will start a blank document

Moving between two open documents or programs (Fast Switch)
1.      MS Word 2002 runs a new copy of itself for each document you have open. The documents will be shown at the bottom of the screen on the task bar.
2.      To Fast Switch between the documents, you hold the ALT-key down and tap the TAB-key. Release the Alt-key and the focus moves to the other document.
3.      If you have other applications open, such as JAWS, you can Fast Switch between JAWS and Word with the same command.  With 3 or more programs running, you need to hold the ALT-key down and tap the TAB-key repeatedly until you move to the program you want. Only when you release the Alt-key will the focus change to the other program.

** Note: Your old document is placed behind the blank page. You can return to your old document by closing the new document (Alt, f, c) or by going through the Window menu (Alt, w, and arrow key to move to the title of the first document, Enter).

Closing a document
1.      Alt-key moves the focus to the menu bar
2.      f-key opens the File menu
3.      c-key moves to the close option on the File menu
4.      If the active document has been saved, you will close the document.
5.      If the document has not been saved, you will open the Microsoft Word dialogue box - "Do you want to save changes?"
6.      Type y for yes to save changes (If the document was never saved, you will then open the Save As dialogue box)
7.      Type n for no to discard the file or changes to your file
8.      Type Esc to cancel the close and return to your document

Exiting Word 2002
1.      Alt-key moves the focus to the menu bar
2.      f-key Opens the File menu
3.      x-key moves to the exit option on the File Menu
4.      If you have any documents that have not been saved, you will open the Microsoft Word dialogue box, "Do you want to save changes?"
5.      Type y for yes to save changes (If the document was never saved, you will then open the Save As dialogue box)
6.      Type n for no to discard the file or changes to your file
7.      Type Esc to cancel the close and return to your document
8.      When all files have been saved or discarded, Microsoft Word 2002will exit.









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