Friday, May 13, 2011

Spell Check

 JAWS spelling Errors List Dialogue Box
Traditional Spell Check Dialogue Box

 Students will learn to check their spelling in a document. The student will need to rely more on their assistive technology to use this program efficiently. Each screen reader will announce the information on screen a little differently. The steps are the same for each screen reader just the information the student is receiving from the screen reader will be different.
JAWS has a macro to list all misspelled words in a document. It is the most efficient way to spell-check a document. Use this method if you are using JAWS screen reader software.

Menu key found between the Window key and the Ctrl key to the right of the space bar.No new keystrokes

Have the student open a previously saved document. Make sure it contains there are several misspelled words.

Using JAWS Commands to Spell Check a Document
1.  Hold the Shift and Alt keys down and tap the L-key to get a list of misspelled words in the document. (Shift-Alt-L)
2. Press the Enter key to exit the list dialogue box and move the cursor to the first misspelled word, (or down arrow to review the total list of misspelled words).
3. The cursor is now at the beginning of the misspelled word. Press the Menu key (located to the right of the space bar between the Window key and Ctrl-key).
4. This gives you a list of suggested words to replace the one misspelled.
5. Use the down arrow to find the correctly spelled word.
6. Once you locate the correctly spelled word, press the Enter key to change the misspelled word with the suggested correct spelling and return to your document.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 to correct additional words.

8. If a word is not misspelled but appears in the misspelled list, you can add it to your dictionary or ignore it from this menu.

9. If a word is misspelled but there are no correct suggestions, press Escape and correct it manually. Even if you are not sure how to spell it, try to get closer to the spelling and then repeat steps 1 through 6 again.  

Using the Traditional Spell Check - Erasing Misspelled Words
1.      Make sure you are at the top of the page
2.      Alt-key moves the focus to the Menu Bar
3.      t-key opens the Tools Menu
4.      Enter or S-key opens the Spell Check dialogue box
5.      The JAWS screen reader should announce the "Not in Dictionary",  word followed by a Suggestions list. Sometimes the word is so different in the Word dictionary that no suggestions are recommended. The focus remains in the "Not in Dictionary" edit box at the end of the misspelled word.
6.      Erase the text by pressing the backspace key until the error is gone.
7.      Retype the misspelled word
8.      TAB to the Change button
9.      Press Enter to make the changes in the document and resume spell checking

Using Spell Check - Selecting from the Suggestions List (Continued from above)

1.      The JAWS screen reader should jump to the next misspelled word and announce the "Not in Dictionary" word followed by a Suggestions list.
2.      TAB one time to the Suggestions list (If there are no suggestions you will skip the Suggestions list and move to the buttons.)
3.      Use the down arrow to move down the list of suggestions to the correct word
4.      TAB to the Change button
5.1.Press Enter to make the changes in the document and resume spell checking


Using Spell Check - Adding a Word to the Dictionary
** Note: A student's last name may not be in the dictionary. To add this or any word to the custom dictionary simply TAB to the Add button after Spell Check identifies a misspelled word you know is correct. You want to be careful when adding words to the Dictionary. Once added, it will recognize these words as spelled correctly. 

Using Spell Check to Change All

** Note: If a student has made the same spelling error several times in the document, he can correct all of them at once.

1.      TAB to the Suggestions List
2.      Down arrow to select the correct spelling
3.      TAB to the Change All button
4.      Enter will look though the document, correct the spelling and resume spell check

** Note: When all words in the document have been corrected, the Spell Check Completed dialogue box will appear. Press the Enter-key to close Spell Check.

** Note: If the student knows a word is misspelled and Word has identified it as misspelled by underlining it in red, she can move the cursor to the word using the arrow keys. Once the cursor is on the word, press the Menu key (located just to the right of the Window key, on the right side of the space bar). This will bring up a list of suggested words

** Note: Grammar Check may be very confusing when using a screen reader. It is recommended that Grammar Check be turned off except with advanced users. TAB to the Grammar Check option and press the Space Bar to uncheck the check box. Space Bar will recheck it if you choose to run Grammar Check.


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